Freedom of Information

Freedom of Information Publication

Your Rights to Information

The Freedom of Information Act (FOI) 2000 provides members of the public with the right access information held by public authorities.  

Public authorities are required to routinely publish certain information to the public as part of its normal business activities. This is known as a publication scheme.

The LLANISHEN COURT SURGERY Publication Scheme is designed to signpost individuals to information we proactively release as and when it becomes available. The aim of this is to explain what information the practice makes available to the public and where possible to provide an easy method of accessing it.

The Publication Scheme contains seven classes of information, as follows, and information falling into each of these classes is published on our practice website:

  • Who we are and what we do
  • What we spend and how we spend it 
  • What are our priorities and how we are doing 
  • How we make decisions 
  • Our policies and procedures 
  • Register of memebers' interests 
  • Services we offer 

All the information we proactively release is available free of charge on our website. Our publication scheme is a useful place to start if you’re looking for information about LLANISHEN COURT SURGERY, before making a Freedom of Information request.

Information that is not published under the FOI Publication Scheme can be requested in writing and the release of such information will be considered in accordance with the provisions of the FOI Act 2000.

To make a Freedom of Information request, please email the practice ( or write to:

Llanishen Court Surgery

Llanishen Court


CF14 5YU

Who we are and what we do

Llanishen Court Surgery provides care to around 9800 patients in the North Cardiff area.  Practice details and our opening times are published on our website:

The following people work in the Practice:

We are also a member of the North Cardiff Cluster which is made up of 10 separate Practices. The cluster Practices can be found on this website: - Our cluster has an Urgent Primary Care Centre held at Whitchurch Road Surgery

Other information is available on the Practice notice boards in our waiting room or on request.


What we spend and how we spend it

Llanishen Court Surgery receives money from NHS Wales according to its contract for national General Medical Services in exchange for services provided for patients. Information regarding this process can be found here:    

There may be circumstances where material cannot be released because it is confidential or commercial information or the appropriate officer designated for these purposes, under the Act, has taken the view that it may be prejudicial to the conduct of the Practice’s affairs. If this is the case, we will respond to your FOI request with a formal letter acknowledging the reasons why we are unable to give you this information.


What our priorities are and how we are doing

Our top priority is providing a high standard of care to our patients in an efficient and timely manner. We are currently working closely with our colleagues in the North Cardiff cluster to develop and improve services for patients in the local area. Over the past year we have been working on additional Quality Improvement (QI) projects.

The Access Standards/Activity Data QI project aims to capture and publish Practice activity, improve appointment mapping and data capture, and improve the efficiency and experience of patient access to the Practice.

As part of the Unhealthy Behaviours QI project, we have been working to ensure unhealthy behaviours are addressed on patient registration and during routine chronic disease reviews, and that these behaviours related referrals are coded accurately. Our focus for the past year has been on smoking cessation.

We have been taking part in the Green Inhalers QI project. Our aim has been to reduce our carbon footprint by reducing our prescribing of inhalers with high global warming potential and to reducing overreliance on short acting beta agonist reliever inhalers.

We are now a teaching Practice and have recently taken on our first GP registrars.

We were last inspected by Care Inspectorate Wales in December 2019. A copy of the inspection report is available here:


How we make decisions

Decisions in Llanishen Court Surgery are made by the Partners and the Practice Manager, in collaboration with other Practices in the North Cardiff cluster and senior administration staff when appropriate. We hold Practice meetings, Partner meetings, cluster meetings, and multidisciplinary team meetings throughout the month. Minutes from these meetings may contain personal or third party information. For further information regarding a specific decision process, please contact our Practice Manager free of charge via the contact details listed above.


Our Policies and Procedures

Most of our Practice policies and procedures are published on our website. You can find them at the following link:

All policies and procedures are available for viewing, upon request in writing, please contact our Practice Manager via the details provided above.

If you have a complaint or concerns about the service you have received from the doctors or any of the staff working in this practice, please let us know. We operate a complaints procedure as part of the NHS system. Our complaints system meets national criteria. A copy of our practice complaints procedure is available here:


Lists and Registers

All our doctors are on the General Medical Council Register:


The services we offer

In addition to routine and emergency services, we offer a range of services under contract to the NHS including: contraceptive services, cervical smear testing, baby clinics, diabetes clinics, respiratory clinics, care home enhanced services, and minor surgery.

Llanishen Court Surgery does not provide private medical treatment. We charge a small fee for letters or medical reports that are not covered by the NHS. We also provide some private medical examinations that do not form part of NHS services. The fee is dependent on the type of letter/report/examination required and will be agreed in advance. A non-exhaustive list of the non-NHS services we provide can be found here:

For enquires regarding a non-NHS service, please contact our administration team:


The method by which information published under this scheme will be made available

The practice will indicate clearly to the public what information is covered by this scheme and how it can be obtained.

Where it is within the capability of the practice, information will be provided on the website. Where it is impracticable to make information available on a website or when an individual does not wish to access the information by the website, the practice will assist to provide the information in the format it has been requested or offer an alternative method for it to be obtained.


Charges which may be made for information published under this scheme

The purpose of this scheme is to make the maximum amount of information readily available at minimum inconvenience and cost to the public. Charges made by the practice for routinely published material will be justified and transparent and kept to a minimum. Material which is published and accessed on a website will be provided free of charge.